2023-02-25 23:04:11 +01:00

1.7 KiB


You can contribute to EcoDash's development either by help with coding or donations. Choose whatever you like, we will be very grateful to you regardless!

Code contributions

You can help us further develop EcoDash with code contributions. Just check out what our goals are, implement new features or fix bugs, and open a Pull Request! Make sure to talk in the community channels to make sure that your work isn't overlapping anybody else's.

A good starting point to always know what has to be done are the issues on Gitea.

Financial support

You can help us pay the bills in several ways:

  • Via Credit Card: payment link
  • Referrals (we do not endorse these products, rewards are not guaranteed):
    • - cheap encrypted cloud that pays me if you sign up for premium
    • Binance - deposit $50 within 14 days and we should both get 100 USDT
  • With crypto:
    • BTC: 1EybumHaeSLp44R3tzxpxj84E7yFwGoNEA
    • ETH: 0x1192e4C951F207B5C6b463C968902d57C2c8Ce0f
    • XMR: 44xyoXhUXVV6XZ4uFEVMncXq8bibb9jhaKiK9f1DQFeZFby9hjsvPwhhkY9ot3CGABK7Nctdv9KgTaGsA7L27Maf1ZjYRpJ
    • LTC: Lbn6PK6YU2CFio6cVpE1XUfCX67UYoeWs7
    • BNB: bnb1q2ay88jmly7tuk4xjae205stzhmjxgsedgc77w

These funds will go to MassiveBox, the main developer of EcoDash. They will be spent to pay the running costs we have and improve EcoDash even more.