package main import ( "errors" "" "" "image" "log" "strconv" ) type Project struct { Og image.Image User int64 Options *catprinter.PrinterOptions DitherStrength float32 } func (ctx *Context) createProject(fileID string, userID int64) { tmpMsgID := ctx.sendMessage(userID, "โณ Processing...") img, err := ctx.fileIDtoImage(fileID) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, image.ErrFormat) { ctx.sendMessage(userID, "๐Ÿšซ File can't be parsed as an image. If you've sent a sticker, make sure it's not animated or part of an animated set.") return } log.Println("Got error getting image from FileID", err) ctx.sendMessage(userID, "๐Ÿšซ Got an error obtaining image, try again") return } if float32(img.Bounds().Dx())/float32(img.Bounds().Dy()) < ctx.Settings.MaxRatio { ctx.sendMessage(userID, "๐Ÿšซ Your image is too tall, please send a shorter image.") return } wip := Project{ Og: img, Options: catprinter.NewOptions(), User: userID, DitherStrength: 1, } putId := -1 for i := 0; i < ctx.Settings.MaxProjects; i++ { if ctx.Projects[i] == nil { putId = i break } } if putId == -1 { ctx.sendMessage(userID, "๐Ÿšซ We can't accept this project for now, try again later") return } ctx.Projects[putId] = &wip ctx.sendImage(userID, ctx.Client.FormatImage(wip.Og, wip.Options), getEditKeyboard(wip.Options, putId)) ctx.deleteMessage(tmpMsgID, userID) } func changeBlackPointOrDitherStrength(proj *Project, delta float32) bool { if proj.Options.Dither() { if (proj.DitherStrength < 0.1 && delta < 0) || (proj.DitherStrength > 0.9 && delta > 0) { return false } proj.DitherStrength += delta proj.Options.SetDitherAlgo(dither.ErrorDiffusionStrength(dither.FloydSteinberg, proj.DitherStrength)) } else { if (proj.Options.BlackPoint() < 0.1 && delta < 0) || (proj.Options.BlackPoint() > 0.9 && delta > 0) { return false } proj.Options.SetBlackPoint(proj.Options.BlackPoint() + delta) } return true } func (ctx *Context) editWip(queryCmd rune, projID int, userID int64, msgID int, cqID string) { proj := ctx.Projects[projID] if proj == nil { ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, "๐Ÿคจ Project not found", true) return } if proj.User != userID { ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, "๐Ÿ”’ Can't edit this project", true) return } const limitTxt = "๐Ÿ›‘ You've reached the limit" switch queryCmd { case 't': // toggle dithering proj.Options.SetBlackPoint(0.5) proj.DitherStrength = 1 proj.Options.SetDitherAlgo(dither.ErrorDiffusionStrength(dither.FloydSteinberg, proj.DitherStrength)) proj.Options.SetDither(!proj.Options.Dither()) break case 'l': // lighter done := changeBlackPointOrDitherStrength(proj, -0.1) if !done { ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, limitTxt, true) return } break case 'b': // darker done := changeBlackPointOrDitherStrength(proj, +0.1) if !done { ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, limitTxt, true) return } break case 'p': // print if len(ctx.Queue) >= ctx.Settings.MaxQueueLength { ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, "๐Ÿ›‘ There are already too many projects in queue, please wait...", true) return } ctx.Queue <- projID ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, "๐Ÿ–จ Waiting to print... There is/are "+strconv.Itoa(len(ctx.Queue))+" project(s) in queue before you.", true) ctx.editImage(userID, msgID, ctx.Client.FormatImage(proj.Og, proj.Options)) return case 'd': // discard ctx.Projects[projID] = nil ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, "๐Ÿ—‘ Project discarded", true) ctx.deleteMessage(msgID, userID) return } ctx.callbackQuery(cqID, "โณ Loading...") ctx.editImage(userID, msgID, ctx.Client.FormatImage(proj.Og, proj.Options), getEditKeyboard(proj.Options, projID)) }