import React from 'react'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import styles from './styles.module.css'; import Link from '@docusaurus/Link'; const FeatureList = [ { title: 'Easy to Use', imgName: 'easy-to-use-icon.svg', description: ( <> EcoDash is built to be simple to install and use, both for the administrators and the end users. ), buttonLabel: "Install", buttonDest: "/docs/install" }, { title: 'All the data you need, nothing more', imgName: 'data-analysis-icon.svg', description: ( <> The dashboard has all the most useful information, while keeping itself clean, minimalistic and easy to understand by anyone. ), buttonLabel: "See the demo", buttonDest: "" }, { title: 'Widely compatible', imgName: 'power-cord-icon.svg', description: ( <> EcoDash supports a wide range of electricity consumption monitoring devices, including Zigbee smart plugs. ), buttonLabel: "Compatibility table", buttonDest: "o" }, ]; function Feature({title, imgName, description, buttonLabel, buttonDest}) { return (




); } export default function HomepageFeatures() { return (
{, idx) => ( ))}
); }