--- sidebar_position: 1 --- # 🏠 HomeAssistant Setup EcoDash requires HomeAssistant to run. Its purpose is translating the protocols that different smart plugs use into a simple universal HTTP API that EcoDash can use. 1. Install HomeAssistant: follow [this](https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/) guide. The installation method you choose doesn't matter. 2. Add your smart energy monitor. Go to Settings -> Devices and Services -> Add Integration -> Choose your device type. Follow [this](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha/#configuration---gui) guide for Zigbee devices. 3. Generate an API Key for EcoDash: 1. Go to your profile (bottom left of the page - click on your account name) 2. Scroll to "Long-Lived Access Tokens" 3. Press "Create token", give it a name and click OK 4. Copy the token and paste it in a safe place.