# 🐧 Linux Pre-built binaries are available for Linux systems with x86_64 and ARM architecture. They should work on any distribution, but haven't been tested on all. Please open an issue if problems arise. If you're not on a supported architecture, please check the [Building on Linux](https://gitea.massivebox.net/ecodash/ecodash/src/branch/master/BUILD.md) guide. The [docker image](/docs/install/Docker) is recommended over running from binaries. ## Download 1. Grab the appropriate ZIP from the [latest release page](https://gitea.massivebox.net/ecodash/ecodash/releases/latest). Make sure to select the right file for your architecture: `wget LINK_TO_APPROPRIATE_FILE` 2. Extract the contents. This will create a folder named `ecodash` in the current directory, which will contain the binary, the configuration, the database and HTML templates folder: `unzip FILE_NAME` 3. To start the container, first enter the `ecodash` directory: `cd ecodash` Then run it. This will expose EcoDash on port 80 by default: `./ecodash` If you want to run on any other port, use an environment variable like this: `env PORT=8080 ./ecodash` ## Set up auto-restart You might want your EcoDash server to restart automatically in the event of system reboots, programming bugs or configuration saves. This tutorial only covers distributions with systemd. 1. Create a file at `/etc/systemd/system/ecodash.service` with this content: ``` [Unit] Description=EcoDash After=network.target StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] Type=simple Restart=always User=USER ExecStart=EXTRACTION_PATH/ecodash/ecodash [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Make sure to replace USER with your username and EXTRACTION_PATH with the path where you performed the `wget` earlier. 2. Test if it works: `systemctl start ecodash` 3. If it does (you don't see any error) you can set the OS to automatically start it after reboots with this: `systemctl enable ecodash` ## Get notified about new releases Since EcoDash doesn't have any way to notify admins of new releases, you're encouraged to add our repository's feed into your RSS reader: https://gitea.massivebox.net/ecodash/ecodash.rss ## Moving on Now that EcoDash is installed, you can proceed to the Setup.